Saturday, March 12, 2011

a good date

It's a good date that begins with

hot chocolate on a train

and non-stop conversation

about education and kids and music and the philosophy of Everything…

and has us eating lunch
with a piece of carrot thiiiiiiis long

and staying in a room
with a view thiiiiis big

and visiting a book shop so huge you can't see the ends of it
in a city you have to crane your neck to see the top of.

It's a great date that
sees us exploring and eating and walking and talking our way
to a tucked away, magical place like this



where we hear Real Writers, talking about their writing, ideas, books and Philosophies of Everything…

And afterwards
finds us 
walking through a living, breathing, wide-awake city,
eating ice-cream and
past kissing couples and karaoke bars, 
through soft rain.

It's a funny date that
sees us, two (mostly) teetotallers,
attempting at 11pm to drink complimentary champagne 
given by the Hotel on the Occasion of our 11th Wedding Anniversary…

and making it through almost a whole glass each!
(Such party animals! Living on the edge, we were!)

It's a beautiful date that has a
middle of the night view like this…

and a long sleep in
breakfast made by a fine machine

and more talking and laughing,
laughing and talking!

Ah, it's a sweet date that ends with
a sleepy,
leg-against-leg train ride back,

listening to the clickety clack of the wheels on the rails,
as the city turns to bush and long views of the sea,

and we make our way

What a wonderful
date it was!

I couldn't, in infinite years, find a better person to go with.

Thank you so much, Beautiful.  Happy Anniversary. 


I love hearing from you! Thank you for your heartfelt, thoughtful responses—they lift me, and give me light.