Friday, December 24, 2010

gifts I have been given…

This year I am grateful

for the gift of


and realising them

and being inspired by those around me

and in turn inspiring others…

(Four girls writing stories, for hours,
after the last writers workshop of the year.)

This year,

I am grateful for the gift of


and all the wonders and joys that


as we opened ourselves up to new discoveries,
new approaches, new thoughts.

I learned so much

and felt so

I am grateful for the gift

of Samoa

(which was literally a gift.

Thank you)

I am grateful for the gift
of a sister and mother

who are precious

and complicated,

and make me laugh and feel loved.

I am so lucky to have you.

I am grateful for the gift

of friends.

New and old.

Unbroken and reconnected.

For cups of tea
and hours and hours of talking
and laughter
and intense discussion
and support
and cake.

I am lucky to have you!

This year I am grateful for

a dog

who would follow us to the ends of the earth

and a cat

who is clever enough to sit on the lap

of the one

who loves him most.

We are lucky enough
to care for them
(through fleas and poop and thick and thin)

and they are lucky enough to care for us.

This year

I am grateful for the gift of

a husband

who makes me laugh every day

and has

the most

beautiful heart

of any grown-up I have ever met.

I am unbelievably lucky to have you.

And finally,

this year I am indescribably

grateful for the gift of

two kids


are curious

and adventurous

and thoughtful

and loving

and open,

who are my dearest friends

and make my whole body creak

with love.

I am lucky beyond belief
to have you.

What amazing gifts.

What a wonderful life!


  1. You are one lucky girl! It is so amazing the gifts that we are given. Most people fail to realize how wonderful they actually are. You always see the beauty and awe in things. That is one thing I love about you!

    Happy Holidays!

  2. Wow. What an amazing year you have had! I am so glad I discovered your blog so I could have a glimpse into it. I hope 2011 brings you as much joy, peace, fun, love, and learning as the year past. Blessings to you and your family!


  3. ... and how good it is to know our gifts ... and how good it is to give thanks ....
    ... yes THANKS ...
    every blessing to you Helena and all yours


I love hearing from you! Thank you for your heartfelt, thoughtful responses—they lift me, and give me light.