Saturday, December 24, 2011

'tis the season

Oh, it's been so busy! Hasn't it? Don't you think?

I remember a day somewhere where I lay down and had a nap. It was amazing.

Since then and before, we've been flat out.

What with? What with-n't I say!

(oh, I know that's not a word. I know)

Three story compilations edited and published into little books. One book was of stories by my lovely Tuesday writers workshop, another was of my son's stories, and another was of my girl's (along with sweet illustrations). I thought it would just take a minute to put these together. How funny!

A trip to Sydney where we got to stay in a hotel RIGHT downtown, something I'd never done before. A whole weekend of browsing, present buying, bus riding, movie making, food eating, caroling, hanging out with my mum, and running around in the hotel like silly monkeys. It was so much fun.

Creating dozens of little crocheted bookmarks to give as gifts. Another thing I thought would take just a minute!

Bike riding, on my mum's borrowed exercise bike. I'm supposed to ride it every day. When I don't feel like it, I think, well, I have to. It's part of my get-well-package, like insulin or heart pills might be. Or at least a bit like that.

Getting presents ready, especially for loved ones over in the US. Yes, you heard me right, dear people in Arizona. Your gifts are Officially in the mail!

Getting ready to host Christmas with my sister and my niece. Now the under-the-couch area has been vacuumed, along with the corners of all the rooms, where cobwebs had grown like little spring flowers. The study/guest room that used to be a study/guest room, but had become the place we folded laundry and shoved stuff when people were coming over, is now a study/guest room again. Thank you, beautiful husband. It looks so lovely I might use it as a study again. Imagine that. Plus, food has been bought. And not last minute either: like, two whole days ago. Now we are sitting and waiting for them to arrive. We are twiddling our thumbs and peering out the windows.

There's been jolly and not -so-jolly walking hand in hand. It's the anniversary of two family members passing away. There have been other difficult moments. I've seen my counsellor twice and she has been extraordinary in helping me sift, find the joy, hold it up to the light.

And there's been silly. Just plain laugh 'til you cry silly. I love that part.

We've got jingly reindeer antlers ready to wear; we've got green and red napkins that match the candles; I am planning to bake and host and play games that make our sides hurt with laughter.

I am peering out the window. The stockings have been hung with care, at the least the ones for the pets, on the exercise bike.

Let the joy rise!

And to you all, I hope this season brings love in bucketloads, and peace and the kind of smiling that hurts your cheeks.


  1. Merry Christmas Helena and Family. I hope you guys have an awsome joy filled Christmas.
    Love and Hugs....

  2. ah, such wonderful wishes! laughing till my sides hurt? i'll take it!! much of the same to you waaaay over there!

  3. I'm glad you've been doing so well..I've been thinking of you. These pictures are great! Happy, happy holidays and I hope you have a fantastic new year ahead!!

  4. I have had you in my thoughts so often Helena. Glad to see you are doing well. Love all the pictures, especially the 'just plain silly'! I would love to get together and let your girl teach Keilee how to crochet. She can knit but not crochet. Happy holidays dear friend. I hope it is chock full of magical moments.

  5. Merry Christmas! I am sitting in a pile of boxes and pine needles, wondering if I should start crocheting with my new yarn or browse the internet on my new laptop. Christmas was a bit over the top for me this year!

    I hope you guys had a blast and still ARE having fun!

  6. Just had you on my mind. Hope your world is happy and bright and full of life. Hugs Helena.

  7. I truly hope you are well, Helena!
    I wanted to let you know that I named you in a blog award post over on my blog: (I am not offended if you do nothing with it, but I wanted to thank Phyllis, and award you!!)

  8. So sorry to hear about family members passing away. The holidays are a hard reminder,

    I loved all of your photos. I hope your Christmas was extra-special.

    I, too, cleaned the house extra special for the holidays...then it was like, "let's have MORE people over, so they can all see how our house looks when it is CLEAN!"

    I wanted to stop by and invite you to my new blog. I had issues after changing the url in October. Apparently you can't JUST change the url, you need to export posts - live and learn! I am not saying anything yet on my other blog because there is a family issue that I am trying to get some distance from.

  9. Thinking of you my dear friend, sending love and light and hoping all is well with you and your beautiful family. Happy New Year...


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